Photo courtesy of Forum Opera http://www.forumopera.com/critiques/puccini_edgar_domingo.html
Edgar is a story about a confrontation between good and evil. It involves the woman Edgar is in love with who is one of those two natures. The opera ends in a tragedy. This essay will describe the story in full.
Act I
The first act takes place in a village in front of the house of Edgar’s father. Edgar himself is torn between the love of Fidelia or Tigrana. Fidelia tries to talk Edgar into ending his relationship with Tigrana. However, Edgar is confused about which woman to love. The evil Tigrana then comes on stage.
Figure: Tigrana
Photo courtesy of DVD 4 Music http://www.dvd4music.com/onlineshop/details/pdl1014-1.html
She then starts singing her evil song. The townspeople’s music of good is heard by Tigrana, but it does not change her evil ways one bit. They tell Tigrana to stop singing her evil song, and she refuses to. Then there is a conflict between Edgar and Frank over Tigrana. Gualtiero steps in to stop the dagger fight, but he only postpones it for a few minutes. Frank is then wounded by Edgar’s dagger, and Frank fakes his death. Edgar then burns down his father’s house because he is under Tigrana’s evil spell.
Act II
The second act takes place outside the village. Edgar starts singing to himself about being in way over his head about his love for Tigrana. He no longer wants any part of her. Tigrana then shows up and tries to tempt Edgar into continuing his relationship with her. Edgar refuses no matter how hard the temptation is. Soldiers then start marching toward their position, and Frank is their leader. Frank tells Edgar that the blade of his dagger freed him from Tigrana’s evil spell. Edgar offers to go with him to fight by his side. Frank lets him, and Tigrana starts pleading not to go with him. Edgar refuses to listen to her no matter how much she pleaded.
The third act takes place outside Frank’s and Edgar’s castle. A funeral is held for Edgar. The townspeople believe that Edgar was killed in battle, but Edgar fakes his death. It is actually a trick to lure Tigrana to the castle and get her to tell the townspeople that Edgar was her lover. Frank and Edgar (disguised as a funeral attendee) tempt Tigrana with a necklace, and offer to give it to her if she admits being Edgar’s lover. Tigrana eventually comes clean, and when she does, Edgar reveals himself, and falls in love with Fidelia. The townspeople want to banish Tigrana, but she gets her last laugh by killing Fidelia. She is then arrested, and the opera ends.
Works Cited
Forum Opera: Critiques, N/A, http://www.forumopera.com/critiques/puccini_edgar_domingo.html. 17 October 2007
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